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Kukouri Mobile Entertainment

Pixel Worlds: MMO Sandbox is a massively multiplayer online sandbox game where players can build, explore and interact with each other in a pixelated world.

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More About Pixel Worlds

Name Pixel Worlds
Package Name com.kukouri.wizworld
Category Role Playing  
Requires Android 4.4+
Last Updated June 6, 2023

Pixel Worlds: MMO Sandbox is an Android game that has been developed by Kukouri Mobile Entertainment. The packageId of the game is ‘com.kukouri.wizworld’. It is a multiplayer online sandbox game where players can create their own worlds, explore other player’s creations and interact with each other in real-time.

The gameplay of Pixel Worlds involves gathering resources, crafting items, building structures and trading with other players. Players can customize their avatars with various costumes and accessories to give them a unique look. There are also mini-games within the game such as parkour challenges and treasure hunts that provide additional rewards.

One interesting feature of Pixel Worlds is its economy system which allows players to buy and sell items using in-game currency or real money through the marketplace. This creates a virtual economy where players can become entrepreneurs and make profits from their trades.

Overall, Pixel Worlds offers an immersive gaming experience for those who enjoy sandbox games with social interactions. Its colorful graphics and easy-to-use interface make it accessible for all ages. With regular updates adding new features and content, this game keeps evolving to keep its players engaged.

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