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BlockerX MOD APK

Atmana Tech

BlockerX is an android app designed to block pornographic content and help users overcome the habit of pornography addiction.

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More About BlockerX

Name BlockerX
Package Name io.funswitch.blocker
Category Sports  
Requires Android 4.4+
Last Updated September 9, 2023

BlockerX: Porn Blocker/stop pmo is an Android app designed to help users combat porn addiction and prevent access to adult content. The app uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to block all inappropriate websites, images, and videos on the internet. With a simple user interface, it allows users to set up custom filters based on their preferences.

The packageId of the app is ‘io.funswitch.blocker’, which means that it can be easily downloaded from Google Play Store or any other reliable source. Once installed, the app runs in the background without affecting device performance or battery life. It also offers real-time notifications whenever someone tries to access blocked content.

One of the unique features of BlockerX is its ability to track usage statistics and provide detailed reports on how much time users spend on different apps and websites. This helps users identify triggers that lead them towards pornography or other addictive behaviors. Additionally, the app provides motivational quotes and tips for staying motivated during recovery.

Overall, BlockerX: Porn Blocker/stop pmo is an excellent tool for anyone looking to overcome porn addiction or reduce screen time spent on explicit material. Its easy-to-use interface, customizable settings, and comprehensive tracking system make it one of the best options available in this category.

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